Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday update and Pictures from Family FHE

Here are some pictures from the Family FHE on Sunday, June 21st. You will see Paul and his grand-daughter Hazel sitting in a chair looking at each other. We also asked all the grandchildren to pose with Paul and most actually looked at the camera for the shot! :) Paul and Barbara smiled and laughed often during the FHE so I snapped a shot of that as well. Another picture shows him talking to his grandsons Brandon and Brody.

Health update: Since sunday, there has been a steady decline in Paul's condition. We have appreciated help from his sisters, family members, and hospice to help make him as comfortable as possible. He is less communicative and eating less. We still see him smile from time to time, especially when we read to him the emails/blog posts from many of you whose lives he has touched. Baylee and Jesse sing to him - he enjoys hearing some of his favorite hymns and primary songs. Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support. :)


  1. Makes me very happy to see Paul (& Barb)smiling so much. It reminds me how happy I was when I use to beat Paul & Jack at whiffle ball some 50 years ago.

  2. Josh,
    Thank you so much for doing such a beautiful blog. I am so grateful that you had such a special family home evening and some wonderful family time together. That is what I have been praying for. Paul and your family are in our prayers always.
    Your cousin, Ann Green Harrild
    Uncle Murray's oldest daughter

  3. I hope you are doing okay down in Utah. Tell your family that I said hello. I just wanted to let you know that I love you. I know it is hard to lose a sibling. Hopefully everyone will get some nice quality time with him before he leaves.

    I have such a vivid memory of being in their house more than 20 years ago and watching the twins play Excite Bike (a video game) over and over again. It was fun.

    Okay, let us all know what is going on with everything. I will talk to you later. I love you.

    Amanda (Marsha's daughter)

  4. I was so sad to hear the news. I remember Paul as always being so happy and positive every time I saw him. He has the best sense of humor. I love the pictures on this blog because no matter he is going through, he still has that wonderful smile! I love the Bingham family!
